GCR: Gradient Coreset Based Replay Buffer Selection
For Continual Learning

Rishabh Tiwari1,2
Krishnateja Killamsetty3
Rishabh Iyer3
Pradeep Shenoy1
1Google Research India
2IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
3UT Dallas


When training CL models on S-Cifar100 with different replay buffer sizes K ∈ [200, 500, 2000], the use of replay buffers selected by GCR produces higher model accuracy and lower model forgetting than using reservoir-sampled replay buffers.


Continual learning (CL) aims to develop techniques by which a single model adapts to an increasing number of tasks encountered sequentially, thereby potentially leveraging learnings across tasks in a resource-efficient manner. A major challenge for CL systems is catastrophic forgetting, where earlier tasks are forgotten while learning a new task. To address this, replay-based CL approaches maintain and repeatedly retrain on a small buffer of data selected across encountered tasks. We propose Gradient Coreset Replay (GCR), a novel strategy for replay buffer selection and update using a carefully designed optimization criterion. Specifically, we select and maintain a 'coreset' that closely approximates the gradient of all the data seen so far with respect to current model parameters, and discuss key strategies needed for its effective application to the continual learning setting. We show significant gains (2%-4% absolute) over the state-of-the-art in the well-studied offline continual learning setting. Our findings also effectively transfer to online streaming CL settings, showing up to 5% gains over existing approaches. Finally, we demonstrate the value of supervised contrastive loss for continual learning, which yields a cumulative gain of up to 5% accuracy when combined with our subset selection strategy.


The above figure shows the overall GCR workflow. We frame an incremental update process that takes the previously selected replay buffer Xt−1 along with a candidate pool Ct from the current task’s data Dt. We work with the candidate pool Ct instead of the task data Dt in order to have a more general formulation that covers both Offline CL (all current task data is available) and Online CL (data arrives sequentially in small buffers) scenarios.
Our primary contribution is a formulation of the replay buffer selection as a principled optimization problem based on gradient approximation.

Paper and Supplementary Material

R. Tiwari, K. Killamsetty, R. Iyer, P. Shenoy
GCR: Gradient Coreset Based Replay Buffer Selection For Continual Learning.
In Conference, CVPR 2022.
(hosted on ArXiv)

This template was originally made by Phillip Isola and Richard Zhang for a colorful ECCV project; the code can be found here.